I Should Just Chill (2011)
Rap album, 9 tracks
Image courtesy the artist
On June 1st Shirt released I Should Just Chill, then going by the moniker T.Shirt. A photo of the artist’s face shot by Lauren Bilanko served as the cover work. The album’s nine tracks are mostly original music by Shirt with various producers, aside from the title track which featured Shirt rapping over a beat produced by the artist J.Cole.
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Rap album, 9 tracks
Image courtesy the artist
On June 1st Shirt released I Should Just Chill, then going by the moniker T.Shirt. A photo of the artist’s face shot by Lauren Bilanko served as the cover work. The album’s nine tracks are mostly original music by Shirt with various producers, aside from the title track which featured Shirt rapping over a beat produced by the artist J.Cole.
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