NY Times (2014)
Images courtesy the artist
On February 6th, Shirt linked on his social media accounts to a website assumed as the New York Times. An article on Shirt, "In the Rap Game, Whispers of Someone New," was on the front page. When you clicked it you were linked to the article, but clicking around elsewhere on the site you would come to realize you were inside an artwork. The url of the site was nytimes.la and Shirt finalized the idea that week in secret not telling even close friends. Although most of the site's article was attributed to the poet Kenneth Goldsmith's ideas of reappropriating chunks of text and not creating new sentences, Shirt later admitted this was not actually his main point. So he added some sentences including one that read he would "fucking fake a NY Times article." As word spread that Shirt had orchestrated the work partly to promote a new album, the move spawned many 'real' articles including this delve by Kris Ex for Pitchfork.