I Pass The Mic (2022-2023)
Cabochon pearls glued on Rode studio condenser microphone shipped free to recipients
8.2 x 2.1 x 2.1 inches
Image courtesy the artist
Announcing the work via the unveiling of the cover of his album I Turned Myself Into Myself, as of November 22, 2022, dated spots were opened indefinitely for anyone to email Shirt and be scheduled to receive the pearled microphone. The first person to participate was a rapper named Phonzz from St. Louis, Missouri, in December 2022. A description explains that Shirt ‘pearled’ the microphone he’d been using for the last 8+ years and he wanted to pass it for free to anyone that wanted to use it. After being shipped around for five months between six states, a last recipient stopped communicating with Shirt in 2023 and has since not responded. Currently, the mic’s whereabouts are unknown.
This is the original description from Shirt:
I pearled the Mic I've been using for 8+ years. The idea is that I will pass the mic in this photo for free to anyone that wants to use it. I will ship it to you to use for a period up to ten days and then you can help ship it to the next person. Email me at shirtathome@gmail.com and we'll schedule you. I Turned Myself Into Myself out now; Nine songs written and performed by me on beats produced by Jack Splash.
Stream/buy I Turned Myself Into Myself (2022) here
Cabochon pearls glued on Rode studio condenser microphone shipped free to recipients
8.2 x 2.1 x 2.1 inches
Image courtesy the artist
Announcing the work via the unveiling of the cover of his album I Turned Myself Into Myself, as of November 22, 2022, dated spots were opened indefinitely for anyone to email Shirt and be scheduled to receive the pearled microphone. The first person to participate was a rapper named Phonzz from St. Louis, Missouri, in December 2022. A description explains that Shirt ‘pearled’ the microphone he’d been using for the last 8+ years and he wanted to pass it for free to anyone that wanted to use it. After being shipped around for five months between six states, a last recipient stopped communicating with Shirt in 2023 and has since not responded. Currently, the mic’s whereabouts are unknown.
This is the original description from Shirt:
I pearled the Mic I've been using for 8+ years. The idea is that I will pass the mic in this photo for free to anyone that wants to use it. I will ship it to you to use for a period up to ten days and then you can help ship it to the next person. Email me at shirtathome@gmail.com and we'll schedule you. I Turned Myself Into Myself out now; Nine songs written and performed by me on beats produced by Jack Splash.
Stream/buy I Turned Myself Into Myself (2022) here